Do you understand the rules of the swimming sport?You do indeed know this game. People play this game all throughout the world since it is so popular.Are you able to swim?

It’s a water sport where participants race against one another while moving their entire body through the water. As a result, they can race either alone or in teams. Nonetheless, the sports are played in open water or a pool.

It was discovered or initiated in 2000 BC. Subsequently, in 1896, this match was added to the Olympic Games as its inaugural event.The Olympic Games for women were first held in 1912.

This game, which includes numerous variations such butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle, and individual medley, is the most popular in Olympic competition.

So, in this blog I will discuss about Swimming that will teach you how to swim which you can implement to improve your game.


The Brief History of Swimming as sports.
  • This had been started or found during 2000 BC.
  • Nikolaus Wynmann, a Swiss – German professor of languages wrote a book about swimming during 1538.
  • After that in 1830’s in England competitive recreational activity was emerged.
  • The competition of swimming was held in London in 6 artificial swimming pools during 1837.
  • After that in 1880 this was become popular and made first Amateur Swimming Association were already 300 regional clubs in operation across the country.
  • Two Native American were participating in London swimming competition during 1844.
  • After that in 1875 Matthew Webb was the first to swim between England and France.
  • While time pass other countries also made swimming federation.
  • During 1896 this game become the first part of Olympic Games.
  • Freestyle was introduced by Richmond Cavill from Australia during 1902.
  • After that Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) was formed during 1908.
  • After that in 1912 women’s Olympic was introduced.
  • During 1930 butterfly was developed.


The goal of competitive swimming to make new records by breaking personal and world records in any event which become popular in 19th century.

Therefore in summer Olympic Games, the men and women compete in almost 16 events each and they called the pool of Olympic which is about 50 – meters which know a long course pool.

Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA) is the international governing body for competitive swimming.

Open Water-

Open water swimming is the competition or events made in open water mean in Lake or sea where men and women competitive in about 5 km, 10 km, 25 km. It is separated with other swimming competitions but only 10 km event is included in Olympic Games.

Type of Swimming

swimmer is racing

There are four types of swim style butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle. Meanwhile this was established in about 30 – 40 years ago with minor improvements.

Therefore in competition of Olympic Games these 4 types of swimming are involved with the distance of 200 meters and 400 meters.

Dolphin Kick-

The Dolphin Kick is the style which is used to maximize the speed of swimmer at the beginning, which they can turn into any style. It was introduce since 1990 which gets most domestic change swimming.

In 1988 David Berkoff uses this technique in Olympics and become first man to do successful and made world record. In 2014 FINA they announced that dolphin kick will not used for more than 15 meters.


Swimming pool view for measurement

According to the rules of Swimming the pool must be of 160 ft. long and 82 ft. wide which has to be 10 lanes label which they labelled from zero to nine.

But in semifinals and finals the zero and nine labels remain empty.

They divided the lanes by blocks which should be start to the end.

Moreover the lanes must be 2.5 meters wide and at the end the Automatic Officiating Equipment are place to ensure the legality. The depth of water must be at least 2 meters.


To manage the competition we needed officials and they are as follows-

Rules of Referees in Swimming-

According to the rules of Swimming the referee has full control over the rules and decisions make by FINA. And the referee has the power to make final decisions to who wins the each race.

The whistle is blow by referee which signifies that the swimmers have to comes and stand next to his block.

Then the referee blows long whistle which signifies that the swimmers have to step on the block. After that referee blow another long whistle which signifies that the swimmers have to jump into the water.

Then again referee blow another long whistle which signifies that the swimmers have to grab the provided block handle. And then finally referee handover rest to starter.

Rules of Starter in Swimming

swimming race is starting

According to the rules of Swimming the swimmer grabs the provided block handle the starter has full control over the further activities of the race.

The starter says to the swimmers by saying ‘Take your Mark’ so that starter can begins the race.

So, they take their positions and stationary which they called the stationary position.

After that the starter pushes the button on the starting system so that the race can be started by loud noise before he or she signifies that all the swimmers are in the stationary position.

The starter has full control to restart the race when he or she seems that there is any unfair advantages got to the swimmer at the start.

Rules of Timekeepers in Swimming-

According to the rules of Swimming, timekeeper is the person who checks the time of swimmers. And for every lane and swimmer there is separate is timekeeper.

And for each lane they are responsible for a particular lane which is assigned by the chief timekeeper. For each lane there can be one or more timekeeper in most competitions.

In International competitions we do not used the timekeepers because in these types of competitions the full automatic timing and video placing equipment’s are used.

swimmer is swimming according to rules

Rules of Inspectors of Turns in Swimming-

According to the rules of Swimming inspectors of Turns are the important person which checks the swimmers that they have followed all the respective rules at the Turing, start and finish of the race.

They can assigned one or more inspectors for each lane. If there is any violation or un-follow of rules then inspectors of turns immediately report to the referee.

Rules of The Judges Of Stroke in Swimming-

He is also very important person to judge and check the swimmers that swimmers are following the style of swimming rules.

They follows the swimmers at the time of swim and they are placed or located on each side of the pool.

swimmer is swimming sports

Rules of Finish Judges in Swimming-

According to the rules of Swimming finish Judges are also very important person which ensures that all the swimmers follows all the rules at the time of finish the race.

If there is any dis-follow or breaks of the rules by any swimmer the particular official observes will report to the referee that what they have seen.

The referee has full control and right to disqualify the particular swimmer for any break of rules. The swimmer has right to protest for the disqualification.

Than they reviewed protection by a panel of officials but not by referees and stroke of judges who had made the disqualification decision earlier.


  • Michael Phelps from USA with 23 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze.
  • Mark Spitz from USA with 9 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze.
  • Jenny THompson from USA with 8 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze.
  • Matt Biondi from USA with 8 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze.
  • Ryan Lochte from USA with 6 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze.
  • Gary Hall, Jr. from USA with 5 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze.
  • Ian Thorpe from Australia with 5 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze.
  • Dara Torres from USA with 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze.
  • Krisitin Otto from East Germany with 6 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze.
  • Amy Van Dyken from USA with 6 Gold, O silver, 0 Bronze.
  • Alexander Popov from Russia with 4 Gold, 5 Silver, 0 Bronze.
  • Aaron Peirsol from USA with 5 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze.
  • Nathan Adrian from USA with 5 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze.
  • Krisztina Egerszegi from Hungary with 5 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze.


In conclusion my opinion swimming sports is the great sports to keep fit. Therefore this is a great exercise to workout. And it helps to reduce the weight and makes the full body healthy.

So, It helps to keep your heart rate up and helps to reduce stress. This is activity which everyone should know because in difficult situation it helps to save us to die from deep water.

If person know how to swim than he or she can save other from deep water who do not know to swim.


1.Where swimming is popular?

In North America swimming is popular.

2.Where swimming originated?

Competitive swimming in Britain started in 1830’s.

3.Can swimming help in weight loss?

Yes, swimming help in weight loss.

4.Can swimming help to build muscles?

Yes, swimming help to build muscles.

5.When swimming started?

Swimming had been started or found from around 2000 BC.

6.When swimming is added in Olympics Games?

In 1896 swimming become the part of Olympics Games.

7.When a woman’s swimming is added in Olympic Games?

In 1912 women’s Olympic was introduced.

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